
السفراء العرب في اليابان يستنكرون المجازر في غزَّة ويدعون إلى وقفها فوراً.

السفراء العرب في اليابان يستنكرون المجازر في غزَّة ويدعون إلى وقفها فوراً.

عقد مجلس سفراء العرب في اليابان اجتماعاً تناول الوضع في غزَّة وأصدروا البيان التالي

In response to the Israeli brutal invasion of the occupied Gaza Strip, the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Japan issues the following statement:

In the Wake of the brutal aggression on Gaza, The Council of Arab Ambassadors calls on Japan and the internaFonal community to act for an immediate ceasefire by Israel in its invasion on Gaza.

Over 2 million PalesFnians face a daily struggle for survival, and to date the death toll over the past few weeks has exceeded 8,000 PalesFnians, among them more than 3,800 children and 1,800 women, including journalists and staff members of internaFonal organizaFons.

The brutal killings of innocent PalesFnian civilians cannot and should never be jusFfied as self-defense. There can be no jusFficaFon for Israel’s indiscriminate aRacks against PalesFnian civilians in Gaza.

Japan, with its unique posiFon in the internaFonal community, especially in light of its presidency of the G7 and its non-permanent seat at the United NaFons Security Council during 2023, is called upon to use its leverage in urgently calling for ceasefire in Gaza, to facilitaFng delivery of humanitarian aid and assistance, and to stopping the forced displacement populaFon transfer of PalesFnians in Gaza.

The Council demands that Israel immediately and fully comply with internaFonal law, including internaFonal humanitarian law and internaFonal human rights convenFons. This includes a parFcular focus on the protecFon of civilians, humanitarian personnel, and humanitarian faciliFes.

Furthermore, the Council urges the internaFonal community to enable and facilitate humanitarian access for essenFal supplies and services to reach all civilians in need in the Gaza Strip.

The Council also stresses on the immediate, conFnuous, sufficient, and unhindered provision of essenFal goods and services to civilians throughout the Gaza Strip, such as water, food, medical supplies, fuel, and electricity. InternaFonal humanitarian law necessitates that civilians are not deprived of objects indispensable to their survival.

The Council calls for immediate, full, sustained, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access for the United NaFons Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for PalesFne Refugees in the Near East and other United NaFons humanitarian agencies, their implemenFng partners, the InternaFonal CommiRee of the Red Cross, and all other humanitarian organizaFons upholding humanitarian principles. We encourage the establishment of humanitarian corridors and other iniFaFves to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians and welcome efforts in this regard.

The Council urgently calls for the rescinding of the order by Israel, the occupying Power, for PalesFnian civilians and United NaFons staff, as well as humanitarian and medical workers, to evacuate all areas in the Gaza Strip north of the Wadi Gaza and relocate to southern Gaza. We emphasize that civilians are protected under internaFonal humanitarian law and should receive humanitarian assistance wherever they are. We reiterate the need to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and well-being of civilians, especially children, and their protecFon, as well as allowing their safe movement.

The Council firmly rejects any aRempts at the forced transfer of the PalesFnian civilian populaFon.

The Council calls for the respect and protecFon, consistent with internaFonal humanitarian law, of all civilian and humanitarian faciliFes, including hospitals and other medical faciliFes, as well as their means of transport and equipment, schools, places of worship, and United NaFons faciliFes. This includes the safeguarding of all humanitarian and medical personnel and journalists, media professionals, and associated personnel during armed conflict in the region.

The Council stresses the parFcularly grave impact that armed conflict has on women and children, including as refugees and displaced persons, as well as on other civilians who may have specific vulnerabiliFes, including persons with disabiliFes and older persons.

The Council emphasizes the need to urgently establish a mechanism to ensure the protecFon of the PalesFnian civilian populaFon, in accordance with internaFonal law and the relevant United NaFons resoluFons.

The Council further stresses the importance to ensure the protecFon of United NaFons faciliFes and all humanitarian installaFons, and to ensure the unimpeded movement of aid convoys.

The Council reaffirms that a just and lasFng soluFon to the Israeli-PalesFnian conflict can only be achieved by peaceful means, based on the relevant United NaFons resoluFons and in accordance with internaFonal law, and on the basis of the two-state soluFon.

The Council of Arab Ambassadors in Japan calls on the internaFonal community to heed this urgent plea for the immediate alleviaFon of the suffering of the PalesFnian people in the Gaza Strip and to take all necessary acFons to end the current crisis and work towards a sustainable peace in the region.

وكان لافتاً إرتداء السفير اللبناني في اليابان حسين حيدر الكوفية الفلسطينية وكذلك بعض السفراء العرب العلم الفلسطيني.

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